For players of all levels we have coaches available every day of the week for lessons in both a private or group setting. These are perfect environment to work on the technical, tactical, and physical aspects of your game!


Elevate your squash game with our lineup of clinics designed to fit all skill levels. Our regular clinic price is $47 per player although we do have a range of discounted early morning and lunchtime options each week. If you have any questions, please contact manager@squashonfire.com to learn more. See our full list of offerings below.
New Players Clinics

Never tried squash? Our New Players clinic is a great way to learn about squash in a group setting. Our coach will cover the basics, including how to hold the racquet, swing mechanics and the rules of the game. With a primary focus on developing hand-eye coordination, movement and timing, this clinic is a workout for your body and brain. Sign up today and get hooked! Minimum age: 14

Saturday 2/15 at 8:45am

Sunday 2/16 at 9:00am

Saturday 2/22 at 8:45am

Sunday 2/23 at 9:00am

Beginners Level 1 3-Week Course
Cover the essentials, including how to grip the racquet, swing mechanics, the rules, and start to move on to game play. Minimum age: 14. This session will run for three weeks and the cost to participate will be $130 per player.
Beginners Level 1 Clinics

Cover the essentials, including how to grip the racquet, swing mechanics, the rules, and start to move on to game play. Minimum age: 14

Tuesday 2/11 at 12:00pm (Discounted)

Saturday 2/15 at 12:00pm

Tuesday 2/18 at 12:00pm (Discounted)

Saturday 2/22 at 12:00pm

Tuesday 2/25 at 12:00pm (Discounted)

Women's Beginners Level 1 Clinics

This session is open to female beginners and will cover the essentials, including how to grip the racquet, swing mechanics, the rules, and start to move on to game play. Minimum age: 14

Wednesday 2/12 at 7:00pm

Wednesday 2/19 at 7:00pm

Wednesday 2/26 at 7:00pm

Beginners Level 2 Clinics

Raise the stakes and move on to match play! You will learn about strategy and tactics as you work towards being comfortable competing. Minimum age: 14

Thursday 2/13 at 7:15am (Discounted)

Sunday 2/16 at 10:30am

Thursday 2/20 at 7:15am (Discounted)

Sunday 2/23 at 10:30am

Intermediate Clinic

Become a competitor! Focusing on specialized drills and movement routines for the developing intermediate player, this clinic is great for players who can hit five volleys and ten drives to themselves in a row (both sides). Minimum age: 14

Tuesday 2/11 at 7:15am (Discounted)

Wednesday 2/12 at 12:00pm (Discounted)

Tuesday 2/18 at 7:15am (Discounted)

Wednesday 2/19 at 12:00pm (Discounted)

Tuesday 2/25 at 7:15am (Discounted)

Play The Pro Clinic

Want to know if you play the right shots? Or work on your rally quality? In this clinic, you will work up a sweat by playing rallies with our coaching professional, who will teach you when to play different shots. For intermediate and advanced players. Minimum age: 14

Tuesday 2/11 at 6:15pm

Thursday 2/13 at 7:00pm

Tuesday 2/18 at 6:15pm

Thursday 2/20 at 7:00pm

Tuesday 2/25 at 6:15pm

Advanced Clinic

Designed to elevate your game to the next level as you focus on key tactical and technical instruction. Suitable for high level intermediate and advanced players. Minimum age: 14

Wednesday 2/12 at 6:15pm

Wednesday 2/19 at 6:15pm



Join us for a Round Robin! Our coaches will be on hand to ensure that players have equal playing time in addition to as much well-balanced competition as possible with others around their level. We have the following upcoming schedule set for Open Round Robins:
Open Round Robins
To participate in our Open Round Robins, players should be able to serve and return serves consistently. Our coaches will be present at each session to ensure equal playing time and well-balanced competition with others of similar skill levels. The cost to join is $33 per player. Sign up directly by clicking the appropriate link below:
Beginners Round Robins
Have you just started playing? Or are you a little nervous about playing matches? If so, then the Beginners Round Robin is perfect for you! Coach Pascal will orchestrate proceedings to make sure everyone has an enjoyable playing experience and be able to provide guidance as you navigate the challenges of match play for the first time! Sign up directly by clicking the appropriate link below:
Ladies Squash & Sip

Join us for our inaugural Women’s Squash and Sips! This is an intentionally low-stakes, high-fun Round Robin for women of all abilities. So forget the scorecard and come have fun! Stick around after for a complimentary beverage at the bar and to mix and mingle with new and old friends

$38 per player, includes a drink of your choice at our cafe, Il Campione!

Ladies Squash & Sip, February 9th

Intermediate Round Robins
A new Round Robin offering that is open to players with a rating between 3.0 - 4.5. If you don’t have a rating please reach out to manager@squashonfire.com to verify that you’re a good fit for this session before signing up. A coach will be on hand for this session to ensure that players have equal playing time in addition to as much well balanced competition as possible with others around their level. The cost to join is $33 per player. Sign up directly by clicking the appropriate link below:
Advanced Round Robins
Our Advanced Round Robins take place every Thursday evening from 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm and are open players with a US Squash rating of 4.5 or better. If you would like to join an Advanced Round Robin, please contact rvlassaks@squashonfire.com.
Round Robin Squash Packages

Do you intend to play in Round Robins regularly? If so buy a 10-pack of round robin credits here and each session is only $29.

If you have any questions about Round Robins please feel free to reach out to manager@squashonfire.com



Winter Ladder

The 2024 Winter Ladder will run as a 12-week tournament from January 20 – April 13. We are planning on continuing our Sprint Series feature to help create more competition within the ladder and give players the opportunity to win prizes every two weeks along with the overall season long spoils!

In addition, we are excited to run another edition of the Ladder Play Offs on Wednesday, April 16 that will also double as an end of season celebration to which all ladder participants are invited.

To generate the most enjoyable and engaging environment for all the participants, the ladder will be split into divisions from Monday, February 24. This means that during the final half of the season we will see a series of concurrent battles as competitors strive to win their respective divisions.

As ever, the goal is to encourage players of all skill levels to take part! The concept of evenly matched games will also apply to the formatting of both our Thursday Lunchtime Ladder play sessions and Friday Ladder Nights.

Lunchtime ladder play: This concept is a new addition for the winter season and each lunchtime ladder session costs $23 to participate in. Hopefully, these will give an opportunity for those of you who have daytime availability to come together to play others around their standard. These 60 minutes sessions will guarantee players at least two ladder matches and the dates/sign-up links for the upcoming season are as follows:

  • Thursday, January 23 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, January 30 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, February 6 from 12:15 - 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, February 13 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, February 20 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, March 6 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday March 13 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday March 27 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, April 3 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm
  • Thursday, April 10 from 12:15 – 1:15 pm

Ladder nights (with one new addition of Sliding Handicap Ladder Night on March 21). Each ladder night costs $35 to participate in and you’ll play three matches in a 1.5 hours period, starting at either 5:15 or 6:45 pm against three others around your level. It is also possible to use play credits to cover playing in ladder nights. The winter season ladder night dates/sign-up links are as follows:

  • Friday, January 24 from 5:15 – 8:15 pm
  • Friday, February 7 from 5:15 – 8:15 pm
  • Friday, February 21 from 5:15 -8:15 pm
  • Friday, February 28 from 5:15 – 8:15 pm
  • Friday, March 21 from 5:15 – 8:30 pm – (Sliding Ladder Night)
  • Friday, March 28 from 5:15 – 8:15 pm
  • Friday, April 4 from 5:15 – 8:15 pm
  • Friday, April 11 from 5:15 – 8:15 pm

Signing up: To sign up, log into your Squash On Fire account and purchase one of the Ladder packages below. All packages cover administrative/organizational fees, weekly communications and prizes.

Winter Ladder Regular Package $60 – Covers entry into the Winter Ladder.

Winter Ladder Pro Package $240 – Covers entry into the Winter Ladder, 15 off-peak play credits (usable at all times aside from 6 - 7:30 pm on weekdays and 9 - 11:30 am on weekends) to use during this ladder season.

Booking matches: Before the ladder begins on January 20, you will be sent your official Ladder email so you will know who is participating and have their contact information to book matches. You can then get to work on submitting challenges to others and scoring points! Matches can be arranged at any mutually convenient time. Plan on grabbing a ladder scorecard when you arrive and submitting it to the front desk team with the result at the end of the match.


All matches will be the best of 5 games

Scores should be recorded on a ladder scorecard and returned to the front desk team post play

Per match played = 1 point to each player

Result of play = 3 points to the winner, 0, 1 or 2 points to the loser depending on the number of games won

Bonus point = the winning player receives an additional point for a 3 - 0 margin of victory

In addition, if you beat someone ranked above you on the “SOF Rank” tab then all points gained will be doubled. This means that it is possible to score 10 points in a single match if you defeat a higher ranked player 3-0.

You may only submit up to a maximum of 2 matches against the same opponent on any given day of ladder play

We will again have a player ratings (A, B or C) column on the ladder standings for informational purposes so that participants have some assistance in their match planning

There will also be an availability column on the standings so players can share when they are generally around to play ladder matches

US Squash Ratings: It is possible for ladder matches to count for US Squash ratings in Club Locker. If you’d like your activity to count, please make sure you provide your US Squash number to Dayton (dcampos@squashonfire.com)

Sprint series: Every 2 weeks, we will host a different Sprint series with the theme and prizes for each series being announced prior to the start of that iteration.

Overall Season Long Prizes:

1st Place Division 1 - SOF Engraved Ladder Trophy and a 60 mins clinic for up to 10 people

2nd Place Division 1 - A Tecnifibre or Dunlop Racquet (based upon preference)

3rd Place Division 1 - 45 Mins Playing Session with Ronny Vlassaks

1st Place Division 2 - 45 Mins Lesson with a Squash On Fire Senior Coach

2nd Place Division 2 - Video Analysis session with a Squash On Fire Senior Coach

3rd Place Division 2 - A Tecnifibre or Dunlop Racquet Bag (based upon preference)

Playoff Night – Wednesday, April 16: The top 8 finishers from Division 1 will be invited to participate in the Ladder Playoffs night on April 16. There will be no charge for court time for those playing and the format will provide a balanced format for all competitors regardless of playing level. There will be a prize in addition to those listed above for our Ladder Playoffs Champion! Every ladder player is invited to join us for the evening to support the players. Mark your calendars now for what promises to be a fantastic evening on and off the courts!

If you have any questions related to the ladder, please reach out to Dayton Campos at dcampos@squashonfire.com

Squash On Fire League

We are excited to announce the Winter 2025 edition of the in-house Squash On Fire league. The league will run on Sunday evenings starting from January 26. Each Sunday there is usually time for some additional social play alongside and after the counting league matches.

  • Teams will field a match-day roster of 5 players totaling 18.0 US Squash rating points or less. That maps into fielding rosters ranging from beginners (who can serve and return consistently) to relatively advanced players. Every team needs new players who have just started the game! Overall team rosters will have 10 - 12 players each so there is no need to be available every Sunday.
  • Because the rating cap will be strictly enforced, matches will be competitive and balanced!
  • Don’t have a rating? We’ll assign you an initial rating and, after a few matches, you’ll have an official US Squash rating. To get a general idea of your rating, see the descriptions at https://www.ussquash.com/participate/rating-criteria/.
  • All players need to be paid US Squash members (see https://ussquash.org/membership/). That’s $149 for 12 months starting from whenever you join.
  • Players also must have an account in the Squash On Fire system and have a payment method on file. This is very important for liability reasons.
  • All players who sign up will be charged $80 this covers your participation in 4 matches on different Sundays. From your 5th match of the season onwards dues will be $20 each time you play (and only when you play).
  • To sign up, click here and enter your name and email address. Optionally, you can also enter your rating, whether your US Squash membership is paid and active, your desired team, and any other notes that would help us place you on a team.
  • Please direct any league related questions to Dayton Campos (dcampos@squashonfire.com) or Cory Capps (corysc@gmail.com).


Squash On Fire Invitationals

Seize the opportunity and bring your A-game to the court and play in our Squash On Fire Invitationals.  Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-timer we have you covered. Join in for a mix of fun, fierce competition, and camaraderie.

Why Sign Up?

  • Guaranteed Playtime – At least 3 exciting matches against well-balanced opponents.
  • Bragging Rights & Prizes – Compete for top prizes
  • Recorded Results – Scores entered in Club Locker
  • Café Perk – Enjoy a free treat with your entry

Registration Fee: $55 (Includes court time, prizes, and a café treat!) All levels welcome. Players are matched according to skill levels. Minimum age 14.

Upcoming Invitationals: 

Februrary 15th, 1:45 PM

February 16th, 1:45 PM, Ladies Only Galentine Invitational

March 15th, 1:45 PM

April 12th, 1:45 PM

SOF Club Championships- TBD

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to manager@squashonfire.com directly.

Ladies Squash & Sip, February 9th

Join us for our inaugural Women’s Squash and Sips! This is an intentionally low-stakes, high-fun Round Robin for women of all abilities. So forget the scorecard and come have fun! Stick around after for a complimentary beverage at the bar and to mix and mingle with new and old friends

$38 per player. Includes a drink of your choice at our Cafe, Il Campione!

Squash On Fire Open

Squash On Fire Open

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Squash On Fire Open. What a memorable few days of world class squash! Congratulations to this year’s champions Amina Orfi and Youssef Soliman.

You can view all the results by clicking here.

Stay tuned for more details about the 2025 Squash On Fire Open.

Event Planning

Host Your Event at Squash On Fire

Squash On Fire is the perfect location to host your next work gathering or birthday party.

What we offer:

  • Work up a sweat on the courts with a coach-led clinic or fun mini-tournament.
  • Enjoy refreshments post-play at our café.

Contact for Scheduling and Pricing: For inquiries, please contact manager@squashonfire.com.

Excited? Let’s get you started or check out our Calendar below and join us on court.

Calendar Week